What is the Best Practice Guide? Firestopping FAQs

The Firestopping of Service Penetrations Best Practice in Design and Installation Guide was created in collaboration by multiple industry associations: the ASFP, BESA, BSRIA, FIS, and GPDA.

Following nine Golden Rules, where seven relate to the building’s design, it outlines key considerations for preventing the spread of fire in high-rise and multi-occupancy buildings. The guide addresses various service penetrations such as pipes, cables, and conduits.

By implementing early engagement in firestopping and collaboration between all trades, the industry can prioritise service penetration sealing at the earliest stages, ensuring the building’s compartmentation. This involves identifying the project’s requirements and addressing any grey areas before build commences.

This guide emphasises the importance of utilising and installing tested firestopping solutions in accordance with the manufacturer’s test evidence and guidance. It also encourages attention to detail and compliance with building regulations.

>Read the Firestopping of Service Penetrations Best Practice in Design and Installation Guide

Craig Wells

This question was answered by Craig Wells

Sales Director

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