Does TracPipe need to be sleeved? Firestopping FAQs
Yes, as per BS 6891 and TracPipe’s guidelines.
In Clause 8.7 of their Design and Installation Specification Document they state that:
“Where TracPipe/ TracPipeCC passes through a wall or a floor, whether or not it contains a cavity, it should pass through a suitable sleeve.
The sleeve needs to be resistant to corrosion and be of a material impermeable to gas, e.g. copper, steel, polyethylene, or other suitable plastic material. Sleeves need to pass through the full width of the wall or the full thickness of the floor. They must not impair the structural stability, fire resistance, thermal and sound insulation of a building. The sleeve should be sealed at one end only with a flexible fire-resistant compound, the other end being ventilated, preferably to open air. The sleeve itself needs to be sealed at each end to the structure of the building with a suitable building material, e.g., cement mortar or flexible sealant.
The material of sleeve chosen, and the method of installation falls outside of our responsibility as a pipe manufacturer. [This is because] the gas installation business carrying out the work is responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation and relevant standards. It is recommended that you discuss your proposed method with the Gas Safe Register (tel.: 0800 408 5577) to ensure it would meet their expectation of a sleeve without joints.”
Quelfire have fire tested penetration seals around TracPipe complete with a sleeve in accordance with their recommendations.
Any questions about TracPipe should be aimed at them directly. However, if you have any further questions about firestopping these pipes, please email us at