Product Information

Product Information

What do you mean by foil-faced rock fibre on your detail drawings?

First of all, what is foil-faced rock fibre insulation? When we refer to foil-faced rock fibre, we

Firestopping FAQs

Can you paint over Quelfire products?

We’re often asked whether our products can be painted over. Generally, we do not recommend this. T

Product Information

What is ablative coating and what is it used for?

Ablative coating is primarily used to repair damage or cracks in a fire batt. The coating is applied

Product Information

Can cast in fire collars save time and money?

Designers and installers of passive fire protection solutions often come across the choice of whethe

Product Information

Pipe penetration sealing – fire collars or intumescent pipe wraps?

According to the building regulations ‘Approved Document B’, plastic pipes penetrating fire com

Product Information

Can I use manufacturer A’s intumescent sealant with manufacturer B’s fire batt?

“Can I use manufacturer A’s intumescent sealant with manufacturer B’s fire batt?” This is a

Product Information

What are fire sleeves?

Quelfire’s fire sleeves play an important role in preventing the spread of fire in buildings where

Product Information

Could severe weather conditions affect the performance of products?

Often, firestopping products like fire collars, fire wraps, and fire sleeves are installed at the ea

Product Information

What are intumescent fire pillows?

Intumescent fire pillows are passive fire protection products designed to prevent the spread of fire