Latest Tested Firestopping Details

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We’ve recently developed and tested new solutions for rigid walls, as Glenn Hutchins explains.

These new details are ideal for instances where you have a small opening around the services, therefore, it’s not possible to install batt within the seal or enlarge the opening.

To learn more, go to our standard firestopping installation detail download page or contact us.

As Alec Purdie explains, we now have test evidence for shaft walls. Shaft walls are typically asymmetrical, so they differ on both sides. When we conducted this test, we tested the wall system from both directions.

To learn more, go to our standard firestopping installation detail download page or contact us.

As Alec Purdie explains, sometimes service supports also go through the penetration. Therefore, we have tested steel struts through our QF2 Fire Protection Compound and QuelStop Fire Batt, including direct-to-wall applications.

To learn more, go to our standard firestopping installation detail download page or contact us.