Service Type

There are many different types of services, and each potentially require their own unique fire seal.

For instance, plastic pipes are an obvious different type to an electric cable bundle but there are also more subtle differences which can cause some confusion to those less familiar with the details. A plastic conduit with a cable in it is not the same as a plastic pipe.

Likewise, an insulated copper pipe is very different to a plastic pipe and will require a different type of seal, so it is important to be clear when selecting fire stop seals that you are clear about what it is that you are actually sealing.

Service types may broadly be categorised into the following:

  • Insulated Metal Pipe (copper and steel)
  • Un-Insulated Metal Pipe
  • Electric cable, tray and basket.
  • Electrical Cable Trunking
  • Conduits with cables
  • Electrical Socket Boxes
  • Plastic Pipe
  • Cast In Fire Collars
  • Insulated Plastic Pipe
  • Plastic Vent Duct
  • Ceiling Extract Fan
  • CPVC Sprinkler Pipe
  • Gas TracPipe and other specific pipe systems